dare one

May nothings were of equal value with another , but no one dare say one thing is definitely important than the other .
Why do we have to stick to conventions and dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit ?
Dare she pull one out of the bundle and strike it on the wall to warm her fingers ?
It had never crossed his mind that anyone would dare to harness one of the free Talking Horses of Narnia , much less to use a whip on it .
This was the place where Jesus Himself stood and where He wants us to stand , not with self-constituted strength , but with a hand ever leaning upon His , and a trust that dare not take one step alone .
I dare you to learn One Breath English .
But water is toxic , and they dare not drink until one Licorne there .
If people would dare to speak to one another unreservedly , there would be a good deal less sorrow in the world a hundred years hence .
I never heard any harm of her ; and I dare say she is one of the most tractable creatures in the world .
Yet three words go through my mind , three words that I dare not utter lest one of the other Autobots hear me and fall into despair to hear their Prime speak so .
It was , I dare swear , the one and only occasion in the annals of His Majesty 's army when two regiments have been drawn up and drilled by their commanding general in the dusk after too good a dinner .
then she saw a hunter 's hut and went inside . She found a room with six little beds , but she did not dare to get into one of them . Instead she crawled under one of them and lay down on the hard ground where she intended to spend the night .